1. What are electronically commutated motors?
Electronically Commutated motors are brushless DC motors where the direction of the electric current is switched using electronic controllers. As the switching of the current is technically known as ’commutating’, brushless motors are also called ’electronically commutated’ motors. EC motors provide the advantages of brushed DC motors in terms of the ability to have variable speed control, but without the drawbacks of brushes.
2. What are the advantages of EC motors?
EC motors are very high efficiency electric motors (80%) and maintain a high efficiency level at part speed. This means that in most cases they use less than one third to half of the electricity used by traditional induction motors, which in turn translates into lower operating costs and short payback periods.
As EC motors have a higher efficiency this ensures that the motors run cooler in application which ensures a longer life for the motor.
In terms of speed control and features, because the motor’s operation is controlled by software, EC motors allow customers to optimize and integrate the motor, fan and controller with the application, and to include features like data communications, constant volume control, variable speed
3. What about cost?
The initial outlay for an EC motor is more expensive than the traditional induction / shaded pole motors and this is mainly due to the electronic components required to drive the commutation. In recent years the cost of electronic components has reduced dramatically as volumes increase.
The huge energy savings provided by EC motors, mean equally large savings in operating costs, which in turn translate in payback periods as short as a few months combined with a longer life expectancy.
In our case, together with high energy savings, low use of raw material, low part count and simple electronics, have allowed us to make our motor price very competitive.
4. How are EC motors ’sustainable’?
The huge energy savings provided by our EC motors directly translate into large carbon emissions savings.
By using an EC motors in your application we are able to assist our customers in dramatically reducing the air pollution (CO2) generated by their applications. This is due to the motors high efficency & low energy costs which helps to preserve the world for a ‘greener’ future.
EC Motors are designed & manufactured using 70% less copper and 80% less steel than traditional induction and shaded pole motors which has a dramatic reduction in environmental impact in producing these raw material components.